Andrew's Projects
Free Software
- Snellen - a visual acuity testing program.
Including a truetype snellen font.
- VIA C3 Powersaver driver. The VIA C3 processor includes a feature whereby the
CPU clock multiplier may be changed during operation. By reducing the clock multiplier the system administrator can
reduce power consumption and reduce heat. This feature used to be called longhaul but is now called powersaver. The
powersaver driver included in the linux kernel does not work with the latest C3 CPUs. Therefore I wrote this
driver, with substantial contributions from Joseph Chan.
- XSwitchmode. XSwitchmode is a tiny application which changes the screen
resolution (i.e. "mode") in X Window environment. It is the same as pressing ctrl-alt-plus, but some keyboards
don't have a numeric keypad. If you are familiar with the XF86 API, it's just a wrapper for the
XF86VidModeSwitchMode function.
- Axis & Allies Battle Simulator v2.0. This latest (July 2003)
version of the battle simulator includes advanced features such as survivor estimation.