Email Access Using Citrix on Mac OS 10.6

Andrew Howlett, March 2011

This document explains how to connect to gbhs email using Citrix on a Mac OS 10.6 workstation.

All the images have been reduced in size so that this page will load faster. Click on the small image to see the full size image. I have intentionally blurred personal information on the images.

Download Citrix Software

We need two pieces of Citrix software.

  1. XenApp 6.0 Citrix seems to change its download URLs frequently, so this link might not work. Here's a screenshot showing my choices for downloading the correct package.
  2. citrix download image 1

  3. Citrix ICA Client. Citrix used to distribute this software freely from the citrix web site. Now it is hard to find or maybe requires registration. You can download an old version from macupdate.

Install Citrix Software


Install XenApp first, ICA client second

Connect to the Website using Safari

Aim your favourite browser (I tested chrome and safari) at the remote access website by typing the URL in the URL bar. You should see the citrix login screen. Enter your username and password. See screenshot below.

citrix login

If you login successfully, you should see the Citrix Applications page.

citrix apps

Start Outlook Web Access

Double click on the Outlook Web Access icon to access mail. Citrix ICA will start automatically. The first time you start Citrix ICA you must agree to the license. Then you will see small dialog boxes as Citrix loads Outlook Web Access. The dialog boxes will be distinctive because they have the yucky Windows XP theme. Eventually you will get the Outlook Web Access login screen (screenshot below). Yuck! It's Windows XP on my beautiful iMac! Enter your username and password. Click the logon button.

outlook web access login

The nightmare gets worse ... Internet Explorer 6 on my poor mac ...

outlook web access on mac os 10.6

The windows looks just like ie6 on winxp. You can maximize the window by clicking the maximize button on the top right side of ie6 windows (next to the X button).

outlook web access full screen

Shutting Down Outlook Web Access and Citrix

Shut down Outlook Web Access by clicking the X button in the top right corner of the Outlook Web Access window.

Shut down Citrix by clicking on the word "Disconnect" on the right side of the Citrix Applications window.


If it doesn't work then you can send me an email at Remove the NOSPAM characters from that address and your email should go to me.