Killing Daemons!
By Jay Beale (jay@bastille-linux.org)
for SecurityPortal
September 26, 2000 - If you install most Linux
distributions, including Red Hat 6.x in the "Server"
configuration, you'll find a number of optional system
"daemons" running. Given the normal path of discovery of security vulnerabilities
, one or more of these (totally optional) programs might have
a bug that attackers can exploit to get root access. The
problem is this: most system administrators don't know what
all those programs on their systems do ! This article
attempts to clear up the confusion, by describing the purpose
of each of the running daemons on a Red Hat 6.1/6.x "Server"
box and often giving suggestions for deactivation. While this
article is a "must-read" for every Red Hat/Mandrake system
administrator, executives should find this article useful as
well, to get a general understanding and to help set a
security policy.
Why Should I Kill Daemons?
Most Linux distributions/Unices, by default, run a number
of optional background system programs, regardless of whether
you need them. These "daemons" might include an FTP server,
printer daemon, or NFS system. The vendor does this as a
matter of convenience and ease for users. The end user doesn't
have to remember how to activate the FTP server, easing phone
support costs on the vendor. Unfortunately, this provides
convenience to another class of people: system crackers! It
radically increases their chances of cracking your system!
Well, each system daemon has a probability of possessing a
security vulnerability, a bug that a cracker can exploit to
get access. The more activated system daemons, the higher a
chance that the box has a vulnerable one. Since almost all
either run as superuser (root), these are all dangerous places
to have a security bug. So, we very carefully try to reduce
the total number and then take steps to configure the ones
that we must leave running. We're applying computer security's
Principle of Applied Minimalism: reduce the number of possible
paths to system compromise by reducing the number of
privileged programs. Let's get to the example that forms the
basis for this article, Red Hat 6.1.
Cleaning up the Server Configuration on Red Hat 6.x
The primary daemons on a Linux/Unix box are run, by
init , out of /etc/rc.d/rcX.d , where X is the
runlevel. On a Red Hat server machine, the default runlevel
(X) is 3, so we'll examine /etc/rc.d/rc3.d . Now, many
of the smaller networking daemons (telnet, ftp,pop, imap) are
run via inetd , but we won't talk about that here 1 . We'll explore each of
the start scripts in runlevel 3, deciding which can be
The Red Hat 6.x Server setup runs the following scripts
from /etc/rc.d/rc3.d 2. I've written them in the
order that init runs them:
This is a hardware detection program, which checks on
every boot to see if you've added/removed hardware. If you
won't swap hardware on this server, turn this off. I
strongly recommend turning it off now, reactivating it when
you make a hardware changes 3 .
Now, suppose you do want to shut this off. Since we're on
a Red Hat system, we use the chkconfig command to
deactivate scripts that run from /etc/rc.d/rcX.d , by
# chkconfig kudzu off
This deletes the links in the /etc/rc.d/rc*.d
directories, without deleting the script itself (in
/etc/rc.d/init.d ), thus non-destructively
deactivating the daemon on the next boot. To kill the
current instance of the daemon, type:
# /etc/rc.d/init.d/kudzu stop
This process is totally portable to the other daemons.
Let's look at them.
This script doesn't activate any new daemons, but simply
activates the network interface. You need to leave this
turned on, if you're on a network.
This runs the portmap daemon, which is used to
allocate ports for Remote Procedure Call (RPC) services. The
notable RPC services are Network File System (NFS), used to
share files over a LAN, and Network Information System
(NIS), used mostly to share account information among many
computers. Usually, you use NFS and NIS to share user home
directories among many near-identical workstations, so a
user can login with the same account at any one, with his
same files and home directory.
If you're not using this kind of functionality, you
should deactivate portmap , along with the other
NFS/NIS daemons we'll see below. If you are using this
technology, I strongly urge you to stop, or at least look
into more secure alternatives. NFS and NIS have experienced
a number of security problems over the years. They were both
designed for LANS, not untrusted networks like the Internet.
If you're not able to leave these protocols behind,
investigate firewalling the requisite ports, including
UDP/TCP ports 111 and 2049, and be careful.
This starts the NFS file locking service,
rpc.lockd , and its companion, rpc.statd . r
pc.lockd tells client machines about file locks, so
no two machines try to write to the same file
simultaneously. rpc.statd tells client machines if
the NFS server is rebooting, so they don't go crazy during a
reboot. Normal NFS operation requires both, especially
rpc.lockd . Unfortunately, both have had a recent
history of security problems, especially under Linux. If
you're not using NFS, turn these off. If you are, please
heed the warnings above, under portmap .
This is the Advanced Power Management daemon, primarily
used on laptops and other battery-backed devices. It might
be possible to use this with PC power management systems
(resume, standby mode and such), but most servers don't use
those modes. You should, generally, turn this off on all
Remember, even if a daemon has no significant history of
security vulnerabilities, it's possible that the
vulnerabilities have either not yet been found, or
that they haven't been widely published. They could be
trouble later - you just don't know! It's best to simply
turn off unnecessary daemons and reduce the number of
components that could be attacked.
This script simply maintains the random seed for the
system. It doesn't even run any programs, besides basic file
operations, so it's Pretty Darn Safe™.
This shell script mounts all NFS, SAMBA, and Novell
drives (exported filesystems). It doesn't run any additional
programs, but if you're not using a network-based file
system, you can deactivate this one.
This starts the syslogd and klogd system logging daemons,
which are essential, as they create the system logs. Leave
this on!
This daemon is an old, informational daemon, used by
other systems to identify TCP sessions originating from the
host. For example, when an IRC server gets an incoming TCP
connection from port 1049 on machine http://www.securityportal.com/
, it asks the identd process on http://www.securityportal.com/
for the identify of the client user. i dentd
responds, as a courtesy. There's no guarantee that the
answer is right, though, since an attacker could sabotage
this daemon easily. You may want to leave this enabled
anyway, as a courtesy to other sysadmins - this data can
sometimes be useful in tracking network abuse.
This scheduling daemon schedules "jobs" for later
execution. You could use at to tell atd to run
"ps -ef > /root/jay " in two hours, just to find out what
processes are running then. Unfortunately, there's been a
rich history of security problems in the at /
atd program pair. Fortunately, the same basic
functionality can be found in crond , which is a
wholly necessary daemon. Disable atd , and its
associated program /usr/bin/at, by running:
# chkconfig atd off
# chmod 000 /usr/bin/at
crond is vital. It's used to schedule jobs for
later execution and has a nice wildcard/list syntax that
lets you schedule repeat execution easily. For example, I
could set a job to run on the 1 st day of the
January, April, July, and October, at 4am. Most systems use
crond to run cleanup programs and other system
maintenance scripts in the middle of the night, when usage
is low.
While cron has some security history, we can't
practically deactivate it. The best thing to do is limit its
use to a small group of users. To learn more about this
type: man crontab and look for a reference to
cron.allow .
This is the script that inserts pcmcia kernel modules,
for PCMCIA cards on laptops. It's so odd to me that this
would be activated on a server system, or by default at all!
Turn this off for non-laptops! The machine shouldn't even
try to load modules that don't apply and it will clean up
the /etc/rc.d/rc3.d directory.
The inetd Internet "super server" is responsible
for starting many of the common, small networking daemons.
It only runs a given daemon when a connection comes for said
daemon. For example, when the machine receives a
telnet request, inetd starts up the
in.telnetd daemon to answer it. This daemon would
take a whole separate article to explore, though, and there
are many, many articles that do just that. (Either look for
one, or wait for mine!) Please take the time to learn about
inetd , if you're administering a Unix box, by typing
man inetd .
If your machine is offering a single protocol offered by
inetd , you must leave inetd activated. If
you're not sure about this, take the time to find out! Go
read up on inetd , starting with the man page and
followed by a perusal of the /etc/inetd.conf
configuration file.
This BSD-style printer daemon maintains the print spools.
If you won't be printing from this machine, turn this off
and disable the print spooling programs, like this:
# chkconfig lpd off
# chmod 000 /usr/bin/{lpq,lpr,lprm}
This script loads a keyboard map and system font, but
leaves no programs running. Seems pretty safe...
This daemon is often misunderstood by Linux users, along
with most new sysadmins. Firstly, you don't need this
program running constantly in order to send mail from
a Unix client! Pine, mutt, elm and all these other mail user
agents fire up their very own instance of
sendmail every time they send a message. They don't
use the daemon-mode instance! The primary purpose of the
sendmail program running in the background is to
receive mail from external systems. Most servers only
need to send mail, but not receive mail from the outside, so
we deactivate daemon mode. Now, just to be safe, we could
set cron to have sendmail process the (failed
sent messages) queue every hour. To turn sendmail off, run
chkconfig , like this:
# chkconfig sendmail off
Then, edit root's crontab to process the mail queue
hourly. First, type this:
# export EDITOR=emacs ; crontab -e root
Now, add the following line:
16 * * * * /usr/sbin/sendmail -q
sendmail has had a long history of security
problems. Really, it has gotten a lot safer, though there
was a recent root exploit in sendmail , though this
was the Linux kernel's fault. Still, this interaction
presents a strong argument for minimizing the number of
daemons on one machine. Any daemon might turn out
vulnerable, either by itself, or when interacting with
another program. The most practical way to minimize the risk
is to carefully remove daemons until you get the system down
to its bare essentials.
gpm is the text-mode cut and paste daemon, used to
duplicate X Window's similar cut-and-paste feature. This can
be helpful, but gpm had security problems recently,
one of which allowed the console user to get root access!
Again, I recommend stripping out unnecessary functionality.
For the few minutes per week that you work on your servers'
consoles, this might be useful, but it elevates your risk.
Consider either turning it off with chkconfig and
only activating it when you're at the console.
This is the Apache web server. If this machine is running
a webserver at this very moment, leave this on. Otherwise,
turn it off. This actually is a case in point of an
important security policy: even if you're going to use a
daemon later, turn it off, unless you're using it right
now . This reduces the window of vulnerability, if the
daemon later has a security hole. Further, you might not
ever get around to using that daemon - better to leave it
off in the meantime. Finally, you should wait until you've
had a chance to properly configure the daemon for your site
- remember, a large bulk of security vulnerabilities are
caused by sysadmins making mistakes in configuring daemons
or leaving an insecure default configuration in place 4.
The X Font server shares fonts with other machines, to
speed up font rendering and to support TrueType style fonts.
Though Red Hat's configuration is as safe as they come 5, the man page has this
to say:
If specified, xfs will attempt to run as user and group
xfs. This has been implemented for security reasons, as xfs
has not been thoroughly audited for buffer overflows and may
not be entirely clean.
xfs is not necessary for X to function. Further,
on a server, we shouldn't need X at all. It should be safe
to chkconfig this one to off.
This script doesn't start any daemons - it just provides
a "hook to allow linuxconf to put into place any
linuxconf -specific policies." It should be safe,
though you can deactivate it if you don't use
linuxconf .
What About the Rest?
The remaining scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d aren't
enabled by default. I've written a one-line below on each of
them, to guide your decision should you decide to turn them
anacron - an enhanced cron replacement
arpwatch - used to construct and monitor an ARP table (an
ethernet card -> IP address table)
innd - the INternet News System (INN) news server - very,
very few machines need this.
ipchains - a non-configured packet filter - leave this
off for now.
irda - the Infrared TTY manager - most machines will
never use this.
kdcrotate - a Kerberos - specific script. If you're not
using Kerb., you should leave it off.
named - the BIND name server, used to administer a DNS
server. If this machine isn't one, leave this off!
postgresql - an SQL server - leave it off, unless you're
building one.
pulse - a component of clustering services - leave it
Pvm - a Beowulf program - leave this off unless you're
building a Beowolf machine!
rstatd - used to allow any machine on the network to get
performance statistics on this machine - leave it off, as
there have been recent bad security problems
rusersd - used to allow any machine on the network to get
a list of logged-in users - leave it off - don't give
attackers so much information.
rwalld - allows any machine on the network to send a
broadcast message to every user on this machine - leave it
rwhod - similar to rusersd - leave this off, as it gives
an attacker too much information about your usage patterns.
smb - runs the smbd and nmbd SAMBA daemons,
for sharing drives with Windows machines - turn this on, if
you're exporting shares.
Snmpd - runs the supporting daemon for the Simple Network
Management Protocol - leave this off, because of
past/present security issues, unless you absolutely need it.
Where Do I Go From Here?
OK, so we reduced the number of system daemons. The
next step is to tune the configurations of the remaining ones.
We'll spend most of that time on removing unneeded
functionality, at a much more granular level. If you're still
running a web server, we might deactivate CGI scripts or
Server Side Includes (SSI's). If you're still running an FTP
server, we might remove user or anonymous access. I'll spend
an article on several major servers/daemons. Stay tuned!
1 There are two reasons for this.
First, there are already lots of articles on that. Second,
that would necessitate a discussion of TCP Wrappers and we
only have so much space here.
2 Actually, there are soft links to
/etc/rc.d/init.d scripts - most Linux distros/Unices use
symbolic or hard links to do this.
3 Reactivate the kudzu script
right before you power down, then deactivate it after the boot
has completed and it has detected the new hardware.
4 Simple, default passwords, anyone?
5 xfs drops privileges to user
xfs shortly after starting - further, it uses a local Unix
domain socket instead of TCP.
About the Author
Jay Beale is the Lead Developer of the Bastille Linux
Project (http://www.bastille-linux.org/
). He is the author of a number of articles on Unix/Linux
security, along with the upcoming book "Securing Linux the
Bastille Way," to be published by Addison Wesley. At his day
job, Jay is a security admin working on Solaris and Linux
boxes. You can learn more about his articles, talks and
favorite security links via http://www.bastille-linux.org/jay .